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e-Learning courses for Health and Social Care

by Caleb

Within the last 10 years, we’ve seen an increased number of organisations, especially in the Health and Social Care sector adopt a more digital approach to their Learning and Development. This now means, the availability and opportunity to learn new skills and develop a workforce has completely changed to be more flexible and on-demand. This has been a great shift to digital learning.

e-Learning courses for Health and Social Care is often referred to many different things such as, online courses, online training, courses online or even online e-Learning. All these simply mean the same thing, and work wonders for many sectors and industry. E-Learning has become a fundamental part of many Learning and Development strategies for organisations and it’ll become more popular, providing learners a platform to complete their learning online, whenever is best for them, across any devices.

What’s the benefits of e-Learning courses?

Blended learning approach can help incorporate many different types of learning to support learners with different requirements within the Health and Social Care sector. This can also be beneficial for organisations that provide a mix of workshops, traditional learning, video-based learning and e-Learning courses.  This can support the following range of learners:

  • Auditory Learners are those who learn though listening, prefer verbal types of learning and engage most with this method.
  • Visual Learners are those who prefer visual representations such as charts and illustrations to get the most out of learning.
  • Kinaesthetic learners prefer being shown through demonstrations.

Flexibility for both the learner and an organisation. This means both can benefit from both access for a learner and versatile types of learning and tracking for an organisation. Your learners can be empowered to take ownership of their own e-Learning. This can be done by using their own devices and completing learning at their own pace which can help motivate learners to engage more with the content provided.

Health and Social Care rely on training providers to deliver learning that is not only up to date and accurate, but also interactive and engaging. As a care worker, you will need to be provided with Continued Personal Development (CPD) support and this can be delivered through Blended Learning and e-Learning courses. The key benefit of CPD-certified courses is to help care workers maintain and deliver higher standards of care to those in need.

These e-Learning courses are delivered through a Learning Management System (LMS) and support numerous types of learning styles. Health and Social Care organisations can utilise a Learning Management System that aligns and supports them to deliver their Learning and Development strategy. An LMS will also provide additional value that will automate your processes and save admin time when it comes to reporting and managing your team’s compliance.

A key benefit to having a Learning Management System in place within Health and Social Care is to support organizations’ evidence compliance when it comes to inspections by CQC or other regulatory bodies. An intuitive LMS and accredited courses will also provide additional benefits to your staff, allowing them to manage their own learning journey and stay up-to-date with Mandatory Training, complete adequate induction training, and annual refresher training.  Book yourself a free consultation at https://www.mylearningcloud.org.uk/contact/book-a-consultation

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