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Nose Piercings: What You Should Know

by Caleb

There are several types of nose piercings. These are classified according to how the hole is located. Most people prefer septum and nostril nose piercings. There are many options for nose jewelry on the market, as nose piercings can be found in a variety of places.

Nose Rings

The nose ring is a type of nose jewelry worn through the septum or center of the nose. They are both common in men and women. Since ancient times, nose rings were used. To signify the women’s status in Africa and the Middle East, husbands gave their wives nose rings. In these areas, the size and wealth of the nostril rings were associated with the family’s wealth.

This makes nose jewelry an increasingly popular type of body jewelry. There are many options for nose jewelry. Ideally, a noseband should consist of loops and circular barbells as well as hoops.

Nose Screw

A nose screw, a long, hooked metal post that can be used to twist through a nostril puncturing, is a simple and useful accessory. They can be either left-bend- or right-bend depending on which nostril they’re intended for.


Labret studs are a common piece for piercings in various parts of the body including the nose. Labret studs have a unique feature: they come with different tops that can be bejeweled to make the nose jewel stand out.


It is a simple post with an embellished tip that rests on the nostril. Aspherical bottom secures it inside the nostril.


This is a very popular jewelry option for those with septum or bridge piercings. It is a straight taper with pointed edges. It should be worn with its pointed ends out across the piercing.

Belly Jewelry

Belly rings and belly buttons rings are the most commonly used types of belly jewelry, also known collectively as naval rings.

Belly Button/Navel Rings

For centuries, naval rings have been popular. The ancient Egyptian ritual of piercing your belly with jewelry and allowing it to pass through the world of the living, freeing you from the burden of the mundane and allowing your spirit to connect with the realm of eternity, is believed to have led to belly piercings. These piercings can be attributed to the need to display courage or manliness.

There are many options for belly piercings today. It all depends on how creative you are. You can combine your navel piercing and a tattoo to create a sophisticated, unique look. As the options for belly jewelry are endless, so too are the styles. You can find designs such as studs, barbells, hoops, and loops for your belly button rings.

Belly Chain

A combination of naval rings and a belly chain can make it even more appealing. A belly necklace is a body ornament that is worn around your waist. This trend is popular in India and Arabic countries. Belly dancers used these chains around their waists. The belly piercing will be more obvious with the chain. Most belly chains are made of silver or gold.

Tongue Jewelry

Barbell jewelry is the most popular type. This jewel is typically worn on a piercing that appears in the middle. Barbell ends can be made into different shapes to enhance the variety of styles available in tongue jewelry. Some of these barbells’ ends or bars are also jeweled.

Many people perform multiple tongue piercings. They may do it in a triangular or diamond pattern. A snake bite is another form of tongue piercing. It is done when the piercer creates holes near the tip of the tongue on both sides.

You can choose from a variety of materials to make your tongue piercing bars, including stainless steel, titanium, high carbon plastics, and titanium. It is important to choose the right material for tongue jewelry so that it does not irritate your mouth or cause infection.

Eyebrow Jewelry

Eyebrow jewelry describes the type of ornaments used on eyebrow piercings. Common eyebrow jewelry includes curved barbells and plain barbells. You can find a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors in the rings and barbells. Wearers can choose from a variety of designs to suit different occasions. These jewels are made mainly of metals and embellished with crystals, glass, and gemstones.

You can get all above mention jewelry at www.bodypiercejewelry.com


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